Daniel Haime Gutt is a Colombian businessman of renowned trajectory. Industrial Engineer from Lehigh University, with graduate studies in financial accounting and senior management from the Wharton School of Business and La Sabana University respectively. Daniel Haime is the heir to the vision of his father, Carlos Haime, who saw with great generosity and social sense the dream of developing in the northern zone of Cartagena in Colombia, an ideal space for the progress of its inhabitants based on the precept of offering quality of life to the people. Based on this legacy, the businessman Daniel Haime Gutt created in 2011 the company Novus Civitas, a firm that to date is developing important urban projects within Serena del Mar in Cartagena.
In the real estate sector, he also presides over the operation of Vendome, a firm that was born in 2007, chaired by Daniel Haime Gutt. This firm has participated in the Cusezar company’s Reserva del Salitre project where five thousand homes were built in stratum 5. Also, it leads the development of the La Felicidad project which has 100 hectares, in which 17 thousand houses are expected to be built. Daniel Haime is also an industrialist with an extensive background. His time in the sector includes the creation and leadership of the Haime Group through which different consumer goods companies operate including: Grasco, Gracetales and Dersa, among others. The latter brand has become the market leader in household cleaning products, surpassing Unilever and Procter Gamble.
Daniel Haime has worked hard to maintain his family’s philanthropic vocation through the Carlos & Sonia Haime Foundation serving as President and supporting high social impact programs in the areas of Health, Education and Arts/Culture. This organization leads the Carlos & Marlene Scholarship Fund initiative that supports 65 scholars with tuition for their undergrad studies. He also leads the Board of Directors for the Serena Del Mar Foundation an organization that works with great dedication to offer better opportunities for education, health, and development to the communities, with the purpose of promoting progress and improvement in the quality of the life of the people. He participates as a member of the Foundational Councils and boards of directors of companies and organizations such as ProBogotá, Banco de la República, and sits on the boards of trustees of Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá and Fundación Carolina.