Tres claves para entender la COP16 

Colombia is preparing to host one of the most important international events in its history: COP16. Cali, the capital of Valle del Cauca, will be the host city for this conference, which, in this edition, will focus on biodiversity. Our country ranks number one in the world in bird, orchid, and butterfly diversity; second in amphibians, freshwater fish, reptiles, palms, and general plant diversity; and third in overall biodiversity globally.

This event is not only crucial for the region but for all the United Nations member countries that will gather in “The Branch of Heaven.” That’s why we want to share with you three key points to understand this event and be prepared to follow this global conversation.

What is the COP or “Conference of the Parties”?

COP16, or “Conference of the Parties,” is the primary global forum for discussing and negotiating the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. At this meeting, delegates from around the world will come together to advance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, with the goal of protecting and preserving the ecosystems that sustain life on our planet.

What topics will be on the agenda?

In this edition of COP, the main topic will be the follow-up to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, with the aim of assessing the progress made by countries regarding the goals and objectives established at the previous conference, COP15, which took place in December 2022 in Montreal, Canada.

As the first COP dedicated to biodiversity since the adoption of this global framework, COP16 will review how countries have advanced in the implementation of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and how these align with global goals. Additionally, resource mobilization will be addressed to ensure the effective execution of the framework.

How will the event be organized?

This event will be divided into two main areas, known as the Blue Zone and the Green Zone. The Blue Zone will be reserved for official negotiations and decision-making among the parties to the convention, while the Green Zone will be an open space for the public, where educational activities, exhibitions, and side events will be held to engage the community in biodiversity and sustainability topics.

For its edition in Colombia, COP16 will work under the theme of Peace with Nature, recognizing that the true fight of the 21st century is for life. This year, the goal is to transform our relationship with nature, as well as our production and consumption practices, so that collective actions promote life rather than destroy it.

In this context, Colombia has the opportunity not only to be the stage for these global conversations but also to showcase its own progress toward sustainable development. Projects like Serena del Mar, a city planned for the future, integrated with nature, and offering opportunities for all, exemplify how we can merge nature with urban growth.

Located in the northern part of Cartagena, Serena del Mar blends natural landscapes and green spaces with infrastructures designed to coexist harmoniously with their surroundings. This approach not only improves the quality of life for its residents but also reflects the global goals of COP16: finding ways to live and develop without compromising the ecosystems around us.

Serena del Mar’s vision, with its sustainable mobility initiatives, use of renewable energy, and resource reuse such as water, resonates with the discussions that will take place at COP16. These local efforts are an example of the actions the world needs to take to achieve true peace with nature.


Biodiversidad de Colombia en cifras

COP16 Paz con la naturaleza